Tour Designers Inc.


Biigu of Teruma fluttering in the Ryukyu winds

Tour Story

Biigu means "rushes" in the Okinawan language. In the Teruma area, it has grown for about 200 years in the strong sunlight and sea breezes characteristic of the tropics. Please feel the spirit of "Yuimaru" of the local people, the history and beliefs of the Ryukyu Islands, and the pleasant and nostalgic scent of Biigu with the wind of the Ryukyu Islands.

Tour Digest

The tour starts with a ride on an e-bike while feeling the ocean breeze. Enjoy the swaying sugarcane fields and swaying trees in the wind while feeling the laid-back atmosphere that is typical of Okinawa, which still remains today. If you are lucky, you may be able to see the local women and men working in the Biigu fields, which have been in existence for about 200 years. Please touch to the Biigu grown by the wind, sun, and rain of the Ryukyu Islands, and the spiritual world that has been carefully passed down through the centuries by the local people.

Tour Outline


With a cycling guide, enjoy cycling while feeling the ocean breeze and the blessings of the Okinawan climate. Enjoy the swaying sugar cane fields and swaying trees in the wind while feeling the laid-back atmosphere that still remains typical of Okinawa. You will notice that the taste of water and salt will change as your body gets tired. Feel these changes in your senses as well.

●Visiting a Biigu field

The Teruma area accounts for about 95% of Okinawa's Biigu production and has a history of about 200 years. You can experience the history and production of Biigu and the spirit of "Yuimaru" (mutual help) while feeling the sound and aroma of Biigu fluttering in the breeze.

●Tour of Katsuren Castle Ruins

Katsuren Castle Ruins was the residence of the Amawari, who brought prosperity through overseas trade in the 15th century. The impregnable castle, facing east and built on natural cliffs, its gracefully curved feminine walls, and the place of worship and prayer of the local people are among the many features of Katsuren Castle Ruins, where you can feel the pleasant sea breeze and the sounds of nature. Katsuren Castle Ruins was registered as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site "Gusuku and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu" in 2000.

【 Notes on reservation 】

●Bikes are electric bicycles. Please contact with us if you bring your own bike.
●Bikes must be ridden on the roadway. Please follow the instructions of the cycling guide for your safety.
●Lunch is not included in this tour, so please bring an energy bar or other easy-to-eat snack if necessary.
●The price vary depending on the number of participants and other factors.
●Please note that the itinerary may be changed or cancelled depending on the season, weather, or other factors.
●Please contact us if you would like a different start time for the tour. Please note that the tour content may change depending on the start time.
●Please contact with us if you have children under 5 years old.
●please wear comfortable clothing and walking shoes. Also, please wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat to protect yourself from heat stroke and sunburn and bring drinking water.
●Please be aware that temperatures and humidity are expected to be extremely high during the summer season. Please take precautions against sunburn and heat stroke by yourself. If you do not feel well during the tour, please do not hesitate to ask our staff for assistance.
●Castle or called Gusuku is still a place of worship and an object of faith for local people. Please be considerate when there are people praying.
●The activity level will be 3 when held during the summer season due to the increase in temperature and humidity.